Start your divorce with Dudden Law Solicitors
We understand that going through a divorce can be a turbulent and confusing time for those involved. We offer a straightforward service whereby we can support you with the online divorce application and work with you throughout the process to achieve the best possible outcome for you.
You can apply for a divorce as long as you and your partner have been married for a period of 12 months or more, your relationship has permanently broken down and your marriage is legal in the UK.
The divorce application can be submitted online, on a sole or joint basis, and the application will be processed by the Court within 28 days. Your partner will receive a copy of the divorce application either by email, or in the post, and will need to provide a response within 14 days.
Parties can no longer refuse to proceed with the proceedings and if they fail to respond within the given period, a process server will hand the papers to the respondent as deemed service.
Once the divorce application has been issued by the Court, it will enter into a 20-week holding period. Upon the expiry of this timeframe, the Conditional Order can be applied for. The Conditional Order must be pronounced by the Court prior to being able to submit a Financial Order. Parties should ensure that they obtain advice from a Family Law specialist with regards to Financial Orders in particular prior to finalising their divorce.
Six weeks and one day following the pronouncement of the Conditional Order the Final Order can be applied for which will bring the marriage to an end.
If you have any queries regarding a family law matters, please get in touch with our family department at or on 02921 320150 to arrange an appointment virtually or in person at a time that suits you.